Saturday 28 March 2009

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Awake: 6:55am Temp 62 sleep 7+05 low dark clouds overnight @ Montgomery, AL.

I made a call to my young friend, Jack, in Memphis & left a message. Later, Jack returned the call & we updated each other on our respective activities.

Mid morning, more intermittent rain; we decided to have another day of casual reading/crossword puzzle/computer time, etc day; we would rather be touring but we both feel comfortable spending some catch-up time in the comfort of our dry home-on-wheels.

Around 3:40, K & I motored about (4) miles south & attended the 4:00pm vigil Mass @ Our Lady Queen of Mercy Catholic Church; a small, pleasingly simple church.

Dinner: Hamburger, fresh mango, & 4-bean salad.

Evening movie: "Hot Millions" with Peter Ustinov, Maggie Smith, Karl Malden, Bob Newhart, Cesar Romero. Wry piece of fluff about Ustinov using a computer to siphon off big bucks from huge American conglomerate; good performers aid pleasant romp, which became one of the biggest sleepers of its year. 1968. Thoroughly enjoyable entertainment.

Lights out: 11:57pm

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