Monday 16 March 2009

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Awake: 5:02am Temp 60 sleep 5+47 rain, heavy @ times...all day overnight@ Perry, GA.

After a quick & light breakfast & using our umbrellas, K & I walk about ¾ mile & attend our 1st seminar together starting @ 8:00am: "Orientation for 1st time attendees." We were surprised to learn that there are 23 % 1st timers like us @ this rally of (27,272) motorhomes + (500) motorhomes for touring, test driving, & purchase.

Then @ 9:45am, I attend the "Digital Diesel" seminar, covering the Silver Leaf digital electronics system. Off to a terrific start! We have this digital arrangement in our coach & I love it. Although I've read some of the manual, Dale, the speaker, enlightened me as to many other systems the Silver Leaf monitoring unit can do.

While I attended the Digital Diesel seminar, Kathy in another building, was attending a seminar on "Joint Health & living with Arthritis." This is one gathering where our Motorola Talk-About's come in handy; the class times are usually 1hr +15 min, so we synchronized our watches & @ a certain time, talk with each other to either announce our next seminar location or meet for lunch, etc.

My next seminar, "Understanding, monitoring & protecting the RV electrical system," was another one of my favorite tech talks.

Meanwhile, Kathy sat thru the "Enhance your RV lifestyle" seminar which she did not find that enhancing. The presenter was mostly promoting the items he had for sale.

Then, using our Talk-Abouts & umbrellas, we rendezvous under the big tent & watch the German dancers do some synchronous moves.

@ 1:00pm, the Exhibits Preview opened & what a crowd there was! K & I went our separate ways with a time set for meeting later.

@ 5:00pm, we attended Mass with about (50) other Catholics.

Dinner: Leftover meat loaf, mashed potatoes, gravy, Triscuits & a 4-bean salad.

We watch ½ of the movie: "Heaven Can Wait."

Generator run time: 8.6 hrs.

Lights out: 11:25pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 21, 2009 3:08 AM.

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