Sunday 1 February 2009

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Awake: 6:55am Temp 46 sleep 6+24 sunny overnight @ Everglade City, FL.

K & I walk to Holy Family Catholic Church & attend 10:30am Mass. We join Mike & Denise in the same pew &, after Mass, talk outside about travel plans for the day.

Early afternoon, K & I dress nice & pose for some advertising photos on the front porch of the clubhouse overlooking the Barron River. Then K & I climb the steps to the lighthouse for a 360 degree view of some of Everglade City. As we're taking in the view, we spot this Mini Cooper driving into Everglades Isle, and after much shouting & whistling, get Mike & Denise's attention.

Mike takes photos of our motorhome for his good buddy Steve while Kathy & Denise tour the clubhouse.

K & I are invited for dinner today @ the Penthouse on Marco Island with Denise's parents, Jo & Dan. En route we stop @ Fakahatchee Strand State Preserve & walk the boardwalk; identifying different trees & birds. Roundtrip boardwalk was a little over a mile.

We arrive @ the Penthouse about 5:30 & greet Jo & Dan, Denise's brother Danny, Denise & Mike; then we settle in the living room where we have wine time with mixed nuts. I ask Dan about his twin Baron & whatever became of it; "It's a long story!" he tells me &, believe me, it was a long, long story but very interesting as well. Dan barely finished the Baron story when Denise calls out: "Dinner is ready!"

Dad's meatloaf with tomato relish, smashed potatoes, corn on the cob, & salad; coffee or vanilla ice cream with chocolate covered nuts for dessert; a wonderful & delicious meal made by a great cook...Denise.

After dinner, us guys scoot back into the living room in time to start watching the Super Bowl XLIII 2009; Pitt Steelers vs. Arizona Cardinals. Since Danny had to work early tomorrow, he bade all farewell and left while Denise & Kathy washed the dishes & finished cleaning up the kitchen before joining us in front of the TV.

I openly admit that I am not a football fan, but as we casually chatted & covered many subjects of interest, that game began to get our undivided attention. Both Mike & Denise & we were certain that the Steelers had clinched the game, so we were ready to leave & motor back to Everglade City until....ouch, the Cardinals got a touchdown & then, jumped a few points ahead of the Steelers. Yes, we stayed sitting on the edge of our seats until the last few minutes of victory for the Steelers. Oh, what a heart thumping finish it was.

The years have taken their toll on Jo & Dan, leaving them less than healthy; Jo suffers from some dementia & is supposed to use oxygen more than she does to help with her breathing & Dan is quite bent over & in much pain due to the effects of radiation (he was a radiologist), but they are still very pleasant & in good spirits making them good hosts. We thank them for the invitation & say our goodbyes, hoping to see them again. We return to our home-on-wheels by 11:02pm.

Late movie: "Saboteur." We watch ½.
Lights out: 1:10am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 3, 2009 3:53 PM.

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