Friday 20 February 2009

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Awake: 6:28am Temp 61 sleep 6+20 sunny-windy overnight @ Pahokee, FL.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass @ Saint Mary's Church; Father is quick...another Mass finished in (16) min. Afterward, he invites K & me plus Nadia (a local) for a tour of the church hall. Nadia was one of the people on yesterday's museum tour & was very happy to receive a photo of the group.

This church began in 1922 in peoples' homes &, after a fire & other complications, the construction of the current church building began in June, 1933 & was dedicated on March 11, 1934. Father mentioned that there are (400) families in this parish & I couldn't understand how all these people could fit into this small church (seating 75). After seeing the church hall, I understand; he tells me the hall will hold over (200) people & it is filled for the Spanish Mass on Sun. They are planning on building a new (500) seat church S00000ooon & even have the altar, stations of the cross & other church items purchased & waiting. Besides the church, there is a pantry & clothing store & a free medical/dental clinic.

After breakfast, Kathy does (2) loads of laundry while I spend some time on the computer. One call I made was to the campground office; "has our forwarded mail arrived from Alaska yet?" I ask Betty. "You know, it arrived a few minutes ago," she tells me. Then Kathy joins me for a little exercise & a walk to the office (20) min to pick up our mail.
Mail call... most of the time is good; this time of year: bills & more bills.

Dinner: Italian tuna casserole, asparagus & whole grain bread.

We watch our usual TV programs but for now, O'Reilly is left out due to recording a good movie. We do however, finish the movie: "Darling Lili" with Julie Andrews, Rock Hudson, Jeremy Kemp, Lance Percival, Jacques Marin, etc. Critically lambasted when 1st released, this entertaining spoof has Andrews & Hudson @ their best, along with writer/director Edwards, keeping tongue-in-cheek but not becoming coy in telling story of German spy Julie posing as London entertainer during WWI. Falling in love with squadron commander Hudson; great fun & good music. 1970. Story is so-so; singing with drama is not my cup of tea. Kathy however, sang along with the chorus.
Then....we watched "The O'Reilly Factor."
Lights out: 12:07am

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