Saturday 17 January 2009

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Awake: 6:20am Temp 42 sleep 6+15 mostly sunny overnight @ Frostproof, FL.

This morning we both spend some time on the campground hunt; making phone calls, leaving messages, etc. We have several options @ this point but in our spare time, more casual hunting we will do.

Mid afternoon, I take some time & replace the electrical plug on our (37) yr old toaster.

K & I attend 4:00pm Mass @ Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Avon Park, FL.
Where did all these Catholics come from? Good thing we were early as the church was large & well attended. We purposely left early to scout out this town, population (8542), to see what interesting & exciting things might await us. Aside from the downtown old classic buildings with quite a few empty store fronts, a museum, & an old, small airport, our (30) min tour was a little disappointing.

En route to our campground, we visited the nearby Wal-Mart, which opened just last August & did a little grocery shopping.

Dinner: Tilapia fish, brown rice, asparagus & a mixed salad.

Evening movie: “Marnie” with Tippi Hedren, Diane Baker, Martin Gavel etc. This story of a habitual thief (Hedren) whose employer (Connery) is determined to understand her illness was considered a misfire in 1964…..but there’s more than meets the eye, especially for Hitchcock buffs. Kathy being one of them, she had NOooo problem staying awake.

Lights out: 12:57am

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