Saturday 10 January 2009

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Awake: 6:47am Temp 39 sleep 6+23 overnight @ Bushnell, Florida.

K & I walk the campground a little later this morning due to cold weather but we still get a brisk (35) min of exercising. Also this morning, some campers had like mini yard sales @ their campsites & Kathy spent some time checking them out; nothing she couldn’t live without. While she was doing that, I started sorting thru our forwarded Alaska mail.

Later, Gary C & I play (3) games of 8-ball while Kathy is prepping dinner for tonight.
Then Gary invites us to ride with them & attend the 4:00pm Mass @ Saint Lawrence Catholic Church, which we do.

After we return, Rosemary & Gary join us @ our home-on-wheels for a dinner of: Kathy’s special chili. Next, we play the game " Phase Ten"…until Rosemary wins. It was a fun evening. G & R return to their RV & we watch ½ of the movie: “Tale of Two Cities.”

Lights out: 12:33am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 13, 2009 3:49 PM.

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