Sunday 9 November 2008

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Awake: 6:36am Temp 32 sleep 6+10 sunny overnight @ Branson, MO.

We leave the ABC campground in Branson @ 9:10am going south on US-65 to I-40 in Conway, then thru Little Rock, AR & I-520/65 to Dumas, then US-82 to Greenville, MS.

En route Kathy did her best to find us a suitable campground in or around the city of Greenville to no avail. Finally we decide to spend the night @ a Casino parking lot…Kathy asks nearly every question in the book & then we follow the Casino’s directions; the Casino was on the Mississippi River & the parking lot had a 30 degree bank parking lot.

Next idea, the Welcome Center of Greenville for suggestions; as we were discussing suitable campgrounds not too near the city, the young lady suggests: "why don’t you just park your motorhome in our parking lot?" All Welcome Centers in MS are good for (24) hrs free parking & they have security. A real “Welcome!”

Today’s Travel: 7+17 hrs 327 miles 54 gal used 6.0 mpg 44.8 avg speed

Dinner: garlic chicken curry with spinach & fresh mango.

Melissa calls: we share talk time about their family & our adventures.

We watch: “The Huckabee Show.”

Then finish movie: “Some Came Running” with Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Shirley MacLaine, Martha Hyer, Arthur Kennedy, etc. Slick adaptation of James Jones’ novel about disillusionment in a small midwestern town in the late 1940s; more character study than narrative. MacLaine is especially good as luckless floozie who’s stuck on Sinatra. 1958. Excellent cast but so-so for entertainment.

Lights out: 11:16pm

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