Monday 3 November 2008

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 55 sleep 7+04 sunny overnight @ Branson, MO.

Before breakfast, Gary & I meet @ 7:00am & walk the campground for (30) min of exercise. Another Newell owner, Wayne & his dog Sydney, joined us for the last (5) min.

Back in our motorhome, Katrina calls on her way to school in Denver; she has returned from her round trip to London & visiting her friend Star & family. We knew nothing about her going traveling during fall break until we talked with Melissa.

More Newell motorhomes are arriving today for the rally. We spend most of the morning & some of the afternoon getting re-acquainted with some of these Newell owners whom we’ve met in the past & haven’t seen for a while.

@ 2:00pm, we peruse the new show coaches that Carl & Alice drove in; plus the show coach that John & Vicki drove in; both very nice with a few new ideas & high tech equipment.

@ 5:00pm, we have cocktails & appetizers in the club house; supposedly there are (38) Newells @ this rally & quite a few people we have not seen before, thus the social hr to meet & greet & get to know one another.

@ 6:00pm, BBQ Steak dinner & “Hillbilly Hoedown” in the Clubhouse. (Dress is finest Hillbilly). Dinner was excellent: Carl again grills the finest filet that I can remember; plus coleslaw & beans. Then the “Homestead Pickers” show. What a fun group! Their hillbilly stories & good music had us listening & laughing for hrs. It was a mighty good start for our Branson rally.

Late evening, K & I watch Gov Sara Palin on Saturday Night live. No movie tonight.

Lights out: 11:18pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 12, 2008 9:32 PM.

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