Wednesday 1 October 2008

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Awake: 6:18am Temp 48 sleep 6+44 drizzle…intermittent rain overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy leaves @ 8:20am for more torturous painting & wallpaper removal @ the Foote Castle. I exercise for (10) min, attend the KK meeting for (45) min & then walk back to our coach.

As I spend some time on our computer, our phone rings; it’s my buddy Ray in Ocean Park, WA. We haven’t talked for awhile but quickly make up for lost time: covering the U.S. economy, WW-II P-38 fighter bomber that Larry Bloomer used to have & what happened to it, & Ray’s new Sportster Harley Motorcycle.

Kathy returns @ 3:47pm….then follows me to Carrolltown with our Lexus; we leave the Riviera with Mary K to wash this evening, then tomorrow, a vacuum, clean & wax job on the car before the pick up.

Back in our coach, we ready ourselves for an evening invitation @ my 1st cousin Eileen’s home & a select group of other interesting people. We are met @ the door by Eileen, her sister Janet & husband Rich. Eileen serves us some wine & cookies & then we get down to some good ole fashion updating & “what’s happening” stuff.

Before too long, a knock on the door & it’s Mary, one of Eileen’s daughters & her husband Dan. After Kathy & I sufficiently query these (2) nice people, another knock on the door & in comes Julie, another daughter. Naturally, she also gets the 4th degree. Nice cousins we have; I really enjoy these people & the sporadic get-togethers we occasionally have.

We had Eileen over to our home on wheels August 25th & she told us then: “I will have you both over to my place before you leave for the winter.” She kept her word & we are both delighted she did.

8:30 dinner: leftover spaghetti, meatballs & Italian sausage.

During dinner & dish washing time, we watch the recorded: ABC news, Jeopardy, O’Reilly Factor & Fox News; but….no movie tonight.

Lights out: 11:26pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 7, 2008 4:07 AM.

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