Tuesday 7 October 2008

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Awake: 6:13am Temp 37 sleep 6+46 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Kathy does (3) loads of laundry; starting early morning & continuing early afternoon.

We attend 8:00am Mass & then join the KK meeting for (50) min.

After breakfast, I visit our near neighbor, Chuck; 1st we sit & talk in their kitchen; then he tells me about his old truck barely making it home last evening. “Well, let’s take a look @ it” I suggest.
Upon seeing his engine, it’s obvious as to why he was lucky to get home @ all; the serpentine belt was completely off & some shredding had taken place. It took some time to re-route that belt back in place & next, to cut off the loose shreds. He wants to drive the truck to the nearest repair station ½ mile & have a new serpentine belt put on.

Using my torque wrench, we tightened the belt enough to allow his short mission possible. Before I left the scene, I asked Chuck if we could use his wheelbarrow; “absolutely” he says.

Next, K & I start the final Snapper mowing process; our circular drive, the alley section & the small section just west of our motorhome. We mow for about (2.2) hrs, then darkness chases us indoors &, hopefully, we’ll finish tomorrow; the alley section awaits us.

Dinner of: Tilapia fish, broccoli & cantaloupe.

After dinner, we motor to the church hall & attend a meeting of the financial report on our Homecoming picnic in August. There were discussions of: what to change or what to improve on or what to delete, etc. For the most part, everyone there were pretty well content on how all the numbers looked.

Back to our coach where we watch the 2nd Presidential debate: McCain vs. Obama which we had recorded.
Lights out: 12:22am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 13, 2008 12:17 AM.

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