Thursday 23 October 2008

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Awake: 7:04am Temp 27 sleep 6+59 sunny overnight @ Ravenna, Ohio.

After breakfast, using the Suzuki, we motor to the historic town of Ravenna & drive a grid circuit downtown, then park & explore the Copper Kettle Antique store on Main Street. I bet we were in that store for (1.5) hrs; it was the most interesting & organized antique store we’ve ever experienced. After that, we walk up & down Main Street for awhile & then do some light shopping @ Giant Eagle. We return to our coach @ 3:10pm.

Before dinner, we watch the ABC news & Jeopardy.

Dinner while watching the O’Reilly Factor: leftover chili with corn chips.

Nick calls while he is walking home from work; K & I take turns talking.

Tonight’s DVR movie: “The Purple Plain.” We watch (50) min.

Lights out: 12:32am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 31, 2008 3:27 AM.

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