Wednesday 27 August 2008

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Awake: 6:26am Temp 59 sleep 6+21 partly sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I join the 8:30 am KK meeting with a sparse turnout. There is a lot of volunteer activity lately due to our upcoming annual Homecoming Picnic & all the vigorous preparation that goes into that event. In fact, Kathy stayed a mere (15) min with us & then left to help make candy @ the church hall. I returned to the bus @ 9:40am.

When the cat’s away, the husband will play; after breakfast, I read the Air Force magazine that Barry graciously loaned me. Then clean a few dishes left over from last night & this morning.

Kathy calls: she is ready to be picked up after helping make (75) lbs of candy. She tells me Carol is there & ready to do more painting. I don my paint clothes & scoot right over there; Kathy takes the car, changes into her paint clothes & joins in on the fun. This afternoon, we paint for a good (5) hrs….hoping to get the pavilion & church hall all painted before Sunday. Our crew this afternoon was rather scanty but we did as much as we possibly could & then….rain.

Dinner: tuna casserole with fresh ears of corn from cousin Florentz and a fruit salad.

Later, we listen to former President Bill Clinton give his speech endorsing Senator Obama for President.

We are both tired & can’t wait any longer for Senator Biden to speak so we record it & will watch it tomorrow.

Lights out: 11:09pm

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