Tuesday 9 September 2008

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Awake: 6:20am Temp 61 sleep 6+18 rain…thunderstorms overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the KK meeting; another excellent attendance. This time, the “Happy Birthday” song was sung with true spirit & more vocalization for Donna Ki.

Back @ our coach, Kathy got some of the homegrown tomatoes that our neighbors gave us, par-boiled them, removed the skins & some seeds, bagged them & stored them in our freezer for later usage. Then she motored to downtown Spangler & Barnesboro for grocery & thrift store shopping.

I spend a little time on our computer & then get out the epoxy & fix one of the Foote boy’s miniature toys that had a broken axle. With the epoxy, I also started the 1st step in mending a broken tab of a Brio train track. It’ll need more attention but for now, the piece has to cure.

Watch the nat’l news during a dinner of: more BLT’s & fresh fruit salad.

During Jeopardy, I clean the dishes; then we watch the O’Reilly Factor.

Late evening, watch DVD: “Asphalt Jungle.” 39 min…. & my faithful partner was in another “jungle.”

Lights out: 11:04pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 15, 2008 2:36 AM.

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