Sunday 14 September 2008

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Awake: 7:31am Temp 68 sleep 7+21 overcast then sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

After our coffee, K & I drive to the community center for exercising but the only exercise we had was walking to & from the car; the community center’s doors were all locked. “OK, so let’s eat instead” says Kathy.

She makes a healthy veggie omelet, whole wheat toast & bacon then Kathy begins listening to her Sunday political programs. This week with George Stephanopoulos, Meet the Press, Chris Matthews show, etc. During some of this time, I spy on her to hear the rhetoric, opinions, predictions, etc. while washing the dishes.

Gary C. calls: he wants to pick up his truck radio that I tried to fix; with a very limited amount of electronic test equipment, I couldn’t check much of anything. He’s not making a special trip, he tells me; he needs to accumulate a few more miles on his Harley Sportster motorcycle before visiting the Harley dealer for the (600) mile checkup. Since we are going to be home, he & Rosemary will be here in about (30) min.

My dishes are waiting to be dried when G & R arrive on their quiet Sportster. We offer no wine this early in the day but sit & yak for over an hr. Kathy served coffee & leftover cake made by Josie for our Pinochle game last night which was still very good & enjoyed by all. Then Gary asked for his truck radio as they had to hit the road. It was a nice, casual visit.

Before dinner, I read more of the magazine Barry loaned me: Aviation History.

Dinner: pork chops, fried noodles & corn on the cob from my cousin Florentz & fresh fruit, pears from Ohio & other assorted fruits from?

Evening comes earlier than normal due to (Ike) getting closer to our area; I suggest we walk around town before real darkness falls & the winds get stronger. Uptown, we bump into John & then Chris; we chat for about (20) min, then head for our coach.

Melissa calls late evening after my dinner dishes are done; she brings us up-to-date on the Foote family activities…..too numerous to mention…but all is well.

As we start a DVR movie: “Say Anything”, strong winds begin to rock our motorhome; the gentle rocking motion apparently had Kathy more relaxed than I realized…so intermission came earlier than programmed.

Lights out: 11:55pm

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