Saturday 20 September 2008

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Awake: 6:34am Temp 49 sleep 6+12 high thin clouds overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass then join the KK meeting. Afterward, Al & Donna give us (2) dozen homegrown tomatoes which we gladly accept.

After breakfast, Kathy gets busy, washes & boils a dozen of those tomatoes, removes the skins, partly mashes & bags them for freezing.

We leave @ 11:30, motor to Indiana, PA, fuel up the Lexus with 15.6 gal @ $3.50 per gal & then visit the Foote Family & Zack.

Zack had just come downstairs (20) min before we arrived; he is keeping his sleeping schedule on Seattle time. We have some casual time with the boys: Kathy plays Ker-plunk with Matthew & I spend time with Nathan. Andrew is napping. Later, Zack plays a travel game of Monopoly for Juniors with Matthew.

Then it’s my turn: Matthew wants to play with pulleys but we have no pulleys; this has been his latest interest. In the back yard, using Kinley’s dog run & leash, we hoist a bucket up into a tree where Matthew stores some of Kinley’s dog toys (2 or 3) @ a time that I round up. Later, we have the bucket moving along Kinley’s dog run; it was not by any means, a whoopee…whoopee idea but fortunately, I was saved by the early 2:45 pm dinner bell.

Dinner: vegetable, bean chili, mixed salad, Taco chips, & grapes.

After dinner, K & I excuse ourselves & attend the 4:00 pm vigil Mass @ Saint Thomas More University Church about a mile away. Afterward, we peruse the basement full of books, etc as well as the temporary tent full of books, etc for a good hr. Would you believe: in looking through the technology & electrical section, I found a book with my name, the date purchased, 1984 & our old Memphis, TN address. I showed it to Kathy as my witness.

By the time we returned to the Foote Castle, the boys were finished with their showers & were having their snack & read time ….leading to bedtime; the usual routine….Kinley gets her evening walk in & Melissa puts the boys to bed. Then both Melissa & Kevin join us for some good ole fashion adult gab time.

We return to our coach @ 10:45pm. No movie or TV again tonight.

Lights out: 12:22am (same as last night)

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 24, 2008 3:10 AM.

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