Monday 25 August 2008

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Awake: 6:11am Temp 64 sleep 6+06 overcast overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass & then join the KK meeting for over an hr; special out of town guests, Mary Ann & Randy from CA joined our KK meeting today as well as Father Job. On the occasion of this occasion, Kathy baked & brought a banana, zucchini, chocolate chip cake for the gang, which was well received. And both Randy & Mary Ann brought extra good laughs & some interesting story telling episodes with them. Plus Donna K brought a “show & tell” item: a humming bird nest; such precision & well constructed little nest it was. We were fascinated. And....another out of town guest appeared: Cheryl, daughter of Donna & George K. A delightful young lady who takes after her mother. It's always interesting to have new visitors @ our KK meetings.

Back @ our coach, Eileen D visits us mid morning; she brings a few airplane books for me to look at, some magazines for Kathy, & a lot of Kirschtown historical talk. Although in her mid 80’s, she retains such good memories of our Nicktown & the people. We thoroughly enjoyed her time with us.

K & I both have our annual physicals this afternoon & motor to Carrolltown for the appointment. Afterward, we visit Bernie & Richard @ Haida Manor Care Center. Richard as always, was alert & talkative, Bernie was slow moving & as he said: “not cut out for this kind of lifestyle.”

Back to Nicktown @ 5:05pm … then a quick dinner of Chili & Triscuits.

We couldn’t get enough of Randy & Mary Ann so we invite them for a visit early evening; we chat, snack & have a little wine until 10:20pm & then they return to Mary Ann’s brother’s home for the night. They are a great couple who really help & take care of their kids & grandkids.
Lights out: 11:19pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 1, 2008 11:05 PM.

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