Monday 22 September 2008

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Awake: 6:54am Temp 56 sleep 6+ 35 foggy, cloudy, then sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Early morning, Kathy calls Melissa; they work out a plan for later today so Melissa can go shopping for a dress suitable for attending a wedding & Kathy can watch the boys.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass & then join the KK for (1.7) hrs.

After Kathy has her hearty breakfast, she motors to the Foote Castle. During her absence, I call Anchorage to forward our Alaska mail. Then do some house cleaning… outside; wash the driver’s side of our coach + the slides & wheels. It took close to (3) hrs; fortunately, I was finishing up the wheels when out came the sunshine. Very few water spots could be detected due to slow drying.

Gary C calls; we talk about his truck radio that I supposedly fixed, about our activities with Zack during his visit, & other spellbinding subjects. Then I do a little research on locating a reasonable hotel so we can attend a wedding of a daughter of our good friends.

Kathy returns home a little late but was successful with her grandma duties + Melissa found a very, very nice dress & other things she was shopping for.

Dinner: leftover chili with macaroni, grapes, & corn chips.

Finish watching: “Zulu” with Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins, Ulla Jacobsson, Michael Caine, Nigel Green, etc. Narrated by Richard Burton. True story about undermanned British forces trying to defend their African mission from attack by hordes of Zulu warriors. Dramatic elements tend toward cliché, but virtually half the film is taken up by massive battle, which is truly spectacular & exciting. 1964. Fantastic! You won’t believe what you’re seeing.
Lights out: 11:48pm

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