Thursday 24 July 2008

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Awake: 5:43am Temp 59 sleep 6+00 overcast overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass & then join the KK for 1.2 hrs; no breakfast for me this morning as this is Rotary day & Al’s turn to drive. Small assembly with only (7) members present, but that didn’t stop us from having some interesting discussions & shop talk.

Lunch: Lasagna, salad, buns & tea. (4) stops in returning to Nicktown @ 2:10pm.

As Kathy & I are getting ready to leave for a visit to the Foote Castle, a sudden heavy downpour delays our trip by a few minutes &, arriving @ 3:00pm, we find that Eriko & Jerry are napping upstairs & the rest of the gang is in the back yard. Melissa was trimming low branches from their apple tree making it easier to mow that area. We were entertained by the boys who were just getting into their many activities; enjoying some cool water in their small plastic pool, splashing, getting downright muddy, riding tricycles, riding the Cozy Coop, getting into spats with traffic jams, sharing & not sharing. Watching those kids eat frozen blue berries with a spoon while doing most of the above activities added color to our afternoon. When Eriko & Jerry woke up & joined the circus, even more entertainment.

These are the times that being a Grandma & “G” Daddy are “Great” as we just sit & watch the action. Shortly after 5:00pm, dark clouds move in, sprinkles began falling so we left @ 5:30 for grocery shopping @ Martin’s & Wal-Mart; returning to Nicktown @ 7:10pm.

Dinner: Leftover baked penne with tomatoes, basil & sausage & a mixed salad.

Watch the O’Reilly Factor & then start the DVR movie: “King of Kings.” (50) min tonight.

Lights out: 11:45pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 1, 2008 10:13 PM.

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