Monday 18 August 2008

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Awake: 5:45am Temp 56 sleep 6+23 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am mass & then join the KK for (1.2) hrs. Next we exercise for (1.9) hrs.

After breakfast, Kathy does (2) loads of laundry that include the bed sheets & other clothes while I spend some time on our computer.

Mid afternoon, I get my equipment ready to continue house cleaning. I made Kathy a fair deal: if she will do the dinner dishes, I’ll wash & scrub clean some of the outside of the passenger side of our motorhome. She went for it! It probably took (2) hrs to finish cleaning the roof from the other day, plus cleaning all (4) slide tops.

We watch the Int’l news, then Jeopardy.

Dinner: veggies with macaroni & cheese. Kathy probably finished those dinner dishes in less than an hr. But a deal’s a deal!

We watch: “The O’Reilly Factor.”

Ray, from Ocean Park & I text each other mid evening.

I’ve been sneezing a lot lately; tonight my throat is scratchy…..hmmm.

We watch another (30) min of: “The Berlin Express.”

Lights out: 11:29pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 24, 2008 11:37 PM.

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