Tuesday 27 May 2008

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Awake: 6:00am Temp 64 sleep 6+28 partly cloudy & short shower overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass, then join the KK meeting. Hot topic: Pam, who is visiting her mother in Nicktown, shared some of her experiences living & teaching on an Indian reservation in southern AZ where poverty & disease are rampant. She also has a house in Rocky Point, Mexico & was able to impart information about the Mexican people.

Judy F. calls from Ohio; she says Corinne is leaving phone messages but she can’t return the call because Corinne has no cell phone. To help her out, I call our cousin, Michelle in Ohio, & ask her to pass the message on to Corinne when they get together this afternoon.

Today is my Aunt Bertha’s 96th birthday, also living in Ohio. We call & have a nice chat with her; she’s awfully sharp, has a great memory, & a genuine, nice laugh.

Kathy & I take turns on the computer; reading during off times.

Mid afternoon, I walk over to Al & Donna’s house; Al had (3) huge trees cut down earlier today; (1) in front & (2) behind their house. Al was busy cutting up the fallen trees for firewood.

Dinner: Thai beef stir fry, whole wheat spaghetti & fresh apple & pear slices.

Watch Modern Marvels on Big Heavy machinery. Then watch the O’Reilly Factor.

Late DVR movie: “Penny Serenade.” ½ only; tomorrow we’ll finish up.

High temp=78 Lights out: 11:22pm

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