Saturday 7 June 2008

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Awake: 5:54am Temp 68 sleep 6+30 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

After breakfast, Al K. picks me up @ 7:50am….next pick up, John B. waiting by the roadside near the Krumenacker lane; we (3) are attending the Catholic Men’s Conference @ Saint Francis University today starting @ 8:45 until 5:00pm. Both Al & John have been attending this conference for the last few yrs & they, more or less, talked me into joining them.

When signing in, I was told they already had over (100) men pre registered. My cousin Florentz was also in the gathering room so we invited him to join us. As we enter the auditorium, a (5) piece band up front was playing hymnal music with words projected on the large screen covering part of the stage. Hearing all these guys sing together was quite amazingly beautiful. The remainder of the morning was filled with good words from (2) great speakers: Deacon Alex from Detroit, MI & Peter from Ann Arbor, MI. & more singing. Both Alex & Peter were fantastic; @ times, their dynamic voices were reduced to a whisper; it was so quiet in this auditorium, as the saying goes:one could hear a pin drop.

@ noon time, we had a choice: either eat 1st & go to confession or confession 1st & then eat. Confession & food were both optional. Florentz & I elected to go to confession before eating; then we caught up with Al & John who stood in the long lunch line & had just sat down minutes before we arrived; we had no line.

Lunch: Beef slices, pasta, mashed potatoes with gravy, veggies & ice cream or cake for dessert. Then it’s back to the auditorium with several more speakers & more singing. We were excused @ 3:50 to attend 4:00pm Mass @ the Saint Francis church….it appeared that the entire auditorium crowd shuffled down the street & into church pews.

Outside, after Mass, I began to realize that my halo was so reflective & bright, it was bothering the guys without sunglasses. What a day this has been; there’s a good chance I’ll do this again next yr.

Back @ our motorhome, Kathy had not yet returned from visiting the Foote family. She told me earlier that she would be staying later than we usually do as she planned on attending 4:00 Mass @ St. Thomas More parish in Indiana.

Our wild strawberries are beginning to ripen throughout the golf course so I take the time & gather a good ¾ of a glass. Soon after, Kathy arrives & we exchange data on the different experiences of our day. Aside from my exciting adventure, Kathy announced that the super organized Foote family…now has a puppy (8) weeks old: an Australian Sheep Dog with some Border Collie mixed in. Kathy added that the puppy, now named, Kinley, is quite a pretty dog & very docile in today’s heat. Matthew & Andrew are taken with her & are being esp. gentle. After that quick hr of sharing, with Kathy’s help, I replace both filters on our outside portable water filter unit & Kathy washes the cartridges.

Small dinner: leftover from the Golf Classic: hamburger & Kielbasas with veggies.

DVR movie with popcorn: “Summer Wishes & Winter Dreams” with Joanne Woodward, Martin Balsam, Sylvia Sidney, Dori Brenner, etc. Sensitive character study of frigid woman (Woodward) obsessed by her childhood, upset by her own aloofness towards others, Balsam equally as good as understanding husband. 1973. Yes, good character study was about it; otherwise not for us.

High temp-82 Lights out: 12:08am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 11, 2008 6:57 PM.

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