Wednesday 30 April 2008

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Awake: 5:17am Temp 35 sleep 5+58 mostly cloudy overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass, then join the KK meeting for over an hr; hot topic: reminiscing Nicktown when it had (3) grocery stores, (3) gasoline stations, (2) lane bowling alley, roller skating area, etc.

After breakfast, I insert more rods into tree stumps having a total now of (63).

Around 2:15 pm, the Foote grandchildren & Melissa arrive; the day is cool so most of their visit time was inside our home on wheels. Both Matthew & Andrew were entertained by Kathy using 3D foam stick-on letters & shapes. Matthew is intrigued with spelling & now knows how to spell several words so he & Kathy were busy looking for needed letters & spelling words. Andrew just enjoyed sticking the shapes on paper in no organized manner & Nathan was content to crawl around, stand up & pull on anything he could reach & try putting it in his mouth.

About 3:30, Matthew wanted to go outside so he & I planted another (36) flags on tree stumps in our lower field. It was another good visit with the Footes.

I call my brother Don in Ebensburg; their visit with their kids & grandkids in Maryland & Hilton Head, South Carolina went well. My brother tells me that he will be working on a big home project; there is moisture seeping in their basement so he & a helper will be digging down the outside walls for a check & a fix.

Dinner: Turkey burgers with horseradish, homemade bread from Shirley, (3) bean salad, & broccoli.

We watch the evening news with Jim Learer; then the O’Reilly Factor.

DVR Movie: “The Wild One” with Marlon Brando, Mary Murphy, Robert Keith, Lee Marvin, Jay C. Plippen, etc. The original motorcycle film with Brando’s renowned performance as pack leader terrorizing small town; dated, but well worth viewing. 1954.
It kept us on the edge of our cushions; Kathy had no trouble staying awake.

High temp=51 Lights out: 11:14pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 4, 2008 12:26 AM.

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