Friday 23 May 2008

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Awake: 5:56am Temp 35 sleep 5+48 sunny overnight @ Nicktown.

Text with Ray in WA while Kathy is still sleeping; texting on Skype works silently & Ray is a fairly good typist.

K & I attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the KK meeting; hot topic: the way girls dress. Kathy leaves early for grocery shopping in Indiana & visiting the Footes. She will get some read & playtime in with the boys &, after lunch, she will join Melissa in attending a class on diabetic carbohydrate counting, focusing specifically on Matthew.

Meanwhile, I continue with the KK meeting until 9:45, then breakfast & afterward, another call to Verizon & my 3rd attempt to get our DSL Ethernet working properly. Our wireless is working great, but Ethernet…not at all. Terrence from the USA works with me for nearly an hr, testing & trying different ideas with the new Module to no avail. After consulting with some higher degree techs, he suggests that perhaps my computer interface card has a problem. “Well alright, I’ll check it out then” I told him. Now, was that the brush off or could it be for real. I’ll confide in my computer gurus.

Today’s weather is conducive for outside work, so I change clothes, walk over to the Church Hall & continue sanding the metal panels for (2) hrs. On the walk back, I visit with Chuck & Shirley in their driveway. Kathy has returned from her Indiana trip, sees us talking & joins in the gab session.

Within (25) min, we see Chuck’s nephew backing a large semi-truck loaded with gravel down St. Paul Street which leads to our circular drive. He backs up nearly all the way to where our circular drive begins, un-latches his moveable tailgate leaving an opening of (6) inches, & drives forward laying the gravel evenly as he moves out toward St. Joseph Street. Within minutes, he has given most of St. Paul Street a new covering & a smooth ride.

Dinner: Tilapia with broccoli, fried pasta & a salad.

Evening time; I text Ray some more, then start watching DVR movie: “The Awful Truth.” We were both pretty tired & agreed to watch ½ tonight & finish tomorrow.

Lights out: 11:17pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 27, 2008 8:00 PM.

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