Thursday 27 March 2008

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Awake: 6:01am Temp 49 sleep 5+57 sunny overnight @ Edgewood, NM.

After our more normal breakfast, we leave the Wal-Mart lot @ 9:50am & continue on I-40 east. Today we are blessed with a good tailwind from the west so my steering wheel spends a lot of time in the idle mode. We arrive @ the Amarillo Ranch RV Park @ 2:35pm.

Today’s travel: 262 miles 4+26 time 33.4 gal used 7.9 mpg 58.9 avg speed

Without extending the slides, we hop in the Suzuki & explore some of the south section of Amarillo; stopping @ Albertson’s, the Party Place & United Grocery store; all the while searching for some good Texas wine that we found last yr. The problem for us, we buy a couple of bottles to taste, then, if it’s not so good, no problem; but if it is good, we’ll be already in another state like Oklahoma & the wine we had last yr could only be purchased in Texas.

Back @ the motorhome, Kathy gives her white wine a taste & she likes it; I save my red for tasting @ another time.

Dinner: Lamb chops with mint jelly, (4) bean salad, rice pilaf, broccoli & cauliflower.

DVR movie: “Crack-Up” with Pat O’Brien, Claire Trevor, Herbert Marshall, Wallace Ford, etc. Art critic O’Brien remembers surviving a train wreck that never took place; it’s just the 1st incident in a growing web of intrigue & murder. Tense, fast-paced Hitchcockian thriller with many imaginative touches. 1946. Pay attention; the average couch potato will not digest this one.

High travel temp=74 Lights out: 11:48pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 6, 2008 2:48 PM.

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