Sunday 6 April 2008

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Awake: 5:53am Temp 45 sleep 6:03 partly sunny overnight @ East Memphis, TN.

We meet Bob & Libby N. @ the Owen Brenner Restaurant on Popular Ave. Since we’ve seen them last, they have sold their home in Germantown, became grandparents of twin girls, bought a new condo in midtown, a condo in Knoxville & Bob has come out of retirement & started a business with his brother-in-law. Their granddaughters, Sophie & Eliza, were preemies with many physical problems requiring hospitalizations & surgeries, thus the purchase of a condo in Knoxville so Bob & Libby could be near to help. They both look good & haven’t aged a bit since we last saw them (2) yrs ago. This all “you can eat buffet” brunch was oh-so good & difficult to avoid overeating.

From here, we follow B & L over to their new condo; Bob was able to choose early, they selected the middle floor with a private elevator + a full parking garage below. They seem very comfortable in their new condo.

Now it’s our turn; we invite them for a tour of our new home-on-wheels. I give the outside tour & Kathy, the inside. After much gabbing we say our goodbyes around 3:30 & head for Mississippi to find Dale & Donna M.

Dale & Donna live in a retired gated community with the golf course & club house being the most active of activities. When we arrive, D & D were enjoying a visit with their nearby neighbor Harvey, gabbing away on the driveway; we joined that gab session which lasted another (2) hrs…meeting Harvey’s wife mid way. Then D & D & we swingers (we chose the swing), spent another hr on their porch trying to figure out where the yrs have gone. Around 8:30pm, D & D give us a tour of their new home. They have thought out & put in several pluses like a deep, wide kitchen sink; a walk-in pantry with lights that turn on & off with the opening & closing of the door; etc.
Dale told us they fell in love with a similar floor plan of a house in Mississippi; when asking how much for the plans, the owners told them $4,000.00 to which Dale said: goodbye. A friend of a friend mentioned that he knew someone who could duplicate those house plans & the rest is history.
Donna’s mother passed away last year & Donna is still sorting through many of her mother’s things which have found their way to Donna’s home

Sometime after 9:30, someone hints that we should have some dinner; Donna is not going to cook @ this hr so Dale makes a few phone calls, finds the Panda Buffet still open in Holly Springs, MS; only a few miles up the road. We drive our separate cars & continue our gab time while devouring the delicious Chinese buffet. It was really nice catching up with Bob & Libby + Dale & Donna today. Maybe next time, we’ll slow down enough to spend more quality time with these good people. So many people to see, so little time, etc.

Back to our motorhome @ 11:50pm; no movie tonight; we are both worn out.

Lights out: 12:32am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 14, 2008 2:32 AM.

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