Saturday 19 April 2008

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Awake: 6:21am Temp 55 sleep 6+09 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass & afterward, talk with Rosemary L. She was in Johnstown last night & spoke with my sister, Corinne, who didn’t know we were back in Nicktown. Oops, we forgot to call Corinne; I purposely didn’t call my brother because of his busy tax time.

The Hot topics today with the Koffee Klub members were bitterness, guns & religion.

Back @ our motorhome, we call Corinne & try to smooth over our forgetfulness. Then, Kathy does (3) loads of laundry while I spend time on the computer & go thru some more of our forwarded mail from Alaska.

Dinner: leftover spaghetti with meat sauce, brazed spinach with ham & yellow pepper, leftover couscous & a mixed salad.

Short Skype session with Ray; I didn’t know that he had visiting company.

Finally finish watching DVR movie: “Sleuth” with Laurence Olivier, Michael Caine. Lighthearted mystery tour de force for (2) stars, adapted by Anthony Shaffer from his hit play about games-playing mystery writer Olivier leading his wife’s lover (Caine) into diabolical trap. But who gets the last laugh on whom? Delicious from start to finish. 1972.
You don’t want to miss this one says Kathy.

Because the evening is still young, we start watching DVR movie: “The Valley of Decision.”

Today’s high=76 Lights out: 12:02am

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