Monday 21 April 2008

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Awake: 6:11 Temp 53 sleep 6+35 partly sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

K & I attend 8:00 Mass, then join the Koffee Klub afterward; hot topics today: The Pennsylvania Primary tomorrow.

Back @ our motorhome, we take turns using the computer & writing thank you & Passover cards to mail.

We phoned Gary & Rosemary over a week ago without any call back; we figured they must be out of town; as the week zoomed by, we calculated their trip to be longer than we expected. Well, today Gary called & wondered why we didn’t get in touch with them. He read in my blog that we had arrived in Nicktown on Sunday, the 13th. We think their phone recorder messed up as we did call & leave a message on that Sunday. We agree to plan a rendezvous soon.

5:05pm, Skype with Ray for (14) min; Ray is following his doctor’s orders as he should.

Dinner: Stuffed peppers & a mixed salad.

Skype with Nick & family for a good hr. Most of the time we had great video & audio; we love it when this system works well.

No movie tonight….. High temp=66 Lights out: 11:27pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 25, 2008 8:59 PM.

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