Friday 25 April 2008

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Awake: 5:38am Temp 55 sleep 5+57 clouds, then sun overnight @ Nicktown.

K & I attend 8:00am Mass & then join the KK members for an hr; hot topic today was 3.5 yr old Lydia. She has so much experience hanging around adults, she thinks & talks like one of us. In fact, Bill M. & I asked her if we could be her boyfriends; “OK” she said, “but I also have another boyfriend.” “That’s ok” we told her. She is sooo smart & cute. Her grandma says she’s “4 going on 12.”

After breakfast, I decide to satisfy my curiosity regarding our septic system. Built in 2002, we’ve been using it part time during the summer months ever since. Sometimes only a month, other times, (3 to 4) months; we spent a winter here during 2005/2006 & that was definitely a different adventure.

Back to the septic system; I remove one of the covers from the (1500) gal tank & the inside looks normal. Then I ask Kathy for help in removing a concrete cover from the (500) gal tank; using a tree limb to lift the heavy lid worked best; looking down into the Dozing Tank, we could only see muddy liquid, about ¼ full. This is a good time to check the system. While Kathy watches the Dozing Tank, I turn on the pump & alarm system. The alarm sounds, the pump runs & the muddy liquid begins to be pumped into our leech bed. Once the float begins to hang down, the alarm cuts off & the sump pump stops. The liquid is now close to the bottom of the Dozing Tank & we are satisfied that it works as advertised.

Next, I want to resolve the “O” ring water leak on my primary filter in Pump House # 2.
I’ve known about this since last summer but couldn’t find the right size “O” ring. Even in Pahrump, I took a chance & purchased (2) “O” rings especially for this fix….too small. Similar to finding another canister, I couldn’t find the correct rubber ring. No numbers or name for clues.

During my last visit to the Krumenacker Hardware Store, a large canister was seen among the others; I asked Herm: “if I bring my filter canister here, could we open that large canister & check to see if the “O” ring will also fit my canister; I did & it did. They let me have the “O” ring; they will order extras & I can settle up later. Wow, another job finished.

During my outdoor time on the water works, Kathy had been vacuuming; she finishes about the same time as I; she requests that the vacuum filter be cleaned…which I do.

While Kathy makes grub, I Skype Ray….he is descending & climbing stairs now.

Alert….alert; the groundhog has been spotted. Al, the eliminator, is called; he reports quickly in the appropriate attire; the groundhog crawls back into his den.

Dinner: leftover filled pepper & a mixed salad.

While I am doing the dishes, Katrina calls & relates that she and her friends had an enjoyable evening on Thur. She was a little disappointed because she let the pork chops cook too long & they were a bit dry, but this was a small flaw in an otherwise delightful evening. She also feels that the “Stephanie” situation may have finally concluded & she is thrilled if this is so.

DVR movie: finish watching: “Indiscreet.” with Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Cecil Parker, Phyllis Calvert, etc. Bergman is renowned actress whom American playboy Grant romances & can’t forget. 1958. Yes, it was slow & we tolerated that; if you skip all but the last (30) min, you’d be better off.
High temp=76 Lights out: 11:52pm

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