Saturday 1 March 2008

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Awake: 6:42am Temp 48 sleep 6+51 sunny…windy overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

I call Melissa in PA; we talk for 18 min & then, lots of kid noises that she must attend to; she will call us either later tonight or for sure, tomorrow.

Next, I call Bill M. in Olympia, WA. We haven’t talked since we visited them @ their Pole Barn with a lean to apartment on October 28, 2007. Bill & Debbie’s trip in their Country Coach motorhome to Georgia for their niece’s wedding was both adventurous & scary; the driver’s front tire blew out around Midland, Texas going (60) mph on a cool day. Bill indicated some damage ensued to the underbody front end. Otherwise, the wedding, visiting their children & grandchildren in CA were great.

Next I call my 1st cousin Bernie in Nicktown; we chat for about 20 min. Bernie is tired of winter & complained about having to use so much fuel oil to keep their house warm.

Call another cousin in Nicktown, Allen K. Allen is also fed up with winter weather & requested that I do something about it. His arthroscopic surgery on one knee has done well; now he’s thinking of having the other knee operated on.

Kathy gives Katrina a call; though not 100% recovered, she is feeling better and has ventured out with friends in the evening and is considering going snowboarding for ½ day tomorrow. She is still having difficulty collecting rent owed her by Steph. Karina has moved into another foster home so Katrina won’t see her for a couple weeks while she adjusts. They talked over an hour.

K & I attend 5:00pm Mass @ Our Lady of the Valley church & then, we stop @ Wal-Mart to return the Pet vacuum cleaner that obviously would work great for people with pets; Kathy did a great job of cleaning it up & customer service had no problem taking it back. We also make a quick stop @ Smith’s Grocery store to stock up on my favorite Lindt dark chocolate candy; the price was right.

During our absence, Melissa called & left a message about Matthew: seems he came down the stairs wearing his slippers, fell and slid head first into the leg of a heavy piece of furniture. At first Melissa thought it might not be too bad, but upon further observation, it was decided another trip to the ER (their 3rd for 2008) was necessary. Matthew received 3 staples to hold the laceration together and all had a late night to bed.

DVR movie with popcorn: “The Set Up” with Robert Ryan, Audrey Totter, George Tobias, Alan Baxter, etc. Gutsy account of washed-up fighter refusing to give up or go crooked; Ryan has never been better. 1949. This fight was too real; it had us both mesmerized. You don’t have to be there, just watch it on screen.
High temp= 55 Lights out: 11:47pm

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