Wednesday 6 February 2008

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Awake: 5:54am Temp 33 sleep 6+42 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

K & I attend 9:00am Mass for Ash Wednesday. This was the 1st time we had “wet ashes” put on our foreheads in the form of a cross &, boy, the crosses were dark & obvious. Afterward, we did some light shopping @ Wal-Mart & Albertson’s; some people must have thought the Nazis are coming…. the looks people gave us. Several guys knew it was Ash Wednesday, others asked why we have such a black cross on our forehead.

Talk with Barry in Nicktown; we discuss our 50th high school class reunion coming up this summer in August. Unbelievable….50 yrs!

Nick calls using Skype; we see him, Eriko & little Jerry in their living room & hear them talking to us but we can’t respond. There is no microphone on our computer; eventually I reply by using our cell phone. He encourages us to get the proper equipment so we can communicate more frequently & see each other in the process plus talk & watch little Jerry grow.

Dinner: Tuna & noodle casserole, spinach salad & whole grain bread.

DVR movie: “Blue Gardenia” with Anne Baxter, Richard Conte, Raymond Burr, Jeff Donnell, George Reeves, Nat King Cole. Engaging murder caper with 1940’s flavor; Baxter is accused of murdering wolfish Burr, decides to take columnist Conte’s offer of help. 1953. Prepare yourself for a twist ending.

High temp=54 Lights out: 11:29pm

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