Wednesday 20 February 2008

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 48 sleep 6+41 wind & frequent rain overnight @ Pahrump.

A perfect day for reading some of our magazines, books for dummies & other assorted material; plus we shared time on our computer. Google

Katrina calls @ 1:51pm; she & Kathy talk about her roommate situation. Also Katrina is not feeling well due to Gastro Intestinal distress & they talk about the possible cause.

Dinner: chicken with apple & mushroom sauce & asparagus.

DVR movie: “Mr. Skeffington” with Bette Davis, Claude Rains, Walter Abel, Richard Waring, etc. Grand soap opera spanning several decades of N.Y.C. life from 1914 onward. Davis is vain society woman who marries stockbroker Rains for convenience, discovering his true love for her only after many years. 1944. Great story with a strong message that one should definitely marry for love, love & more love.

High temp=51 Lights out: 12:03am

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