Monday 11 February 2008

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Awake: 6:02am Temp 48 sleep 5+40 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

Katrina calls @ 6:00am en route to her school & talks with Kathy about Karina & her roommate situation. Katrina entertained Karina at her abode yesterday; they cooked together and hung out. Karina is possibly moving into another foster home. Since Steph has to drive almost an hour to get to work, she is going to move out at the end of the month and take many of her belongings which helped to furnish Katrina’s townhouse with her. She and Katrina were roommates for over 2 years, working thru some bad times but mostly enjoying good times. Katrina will be using Craig’s list to find another roommate.

Remember my ill-fated water filter canister(plastic) that froze up & popped its top; well, after checking all the stores within easy reach around Pahrump for a similar canister as a replacement, I found none…..then decided to try another fix on what I have. After roughing up both the lid that popped & the main body connection with a file, I am hoping my next epoxy job will have a better grip; I also drilled (6) holes into the popped top & about an inch into the canister body; using roughed up pieces of copper wire, I inserted those wire pieces into the (6) holes & filled them with epoxy as well as the popped top to the main canister body. Now I’ll keep the canister warm on our heated tile floor for at least (24) hrs for curing.

With sunny, warm temps & little wind, we cut each other’s hair. (50) min cutting time for her….(10) min for me. She requested a shorter hair cut this time; I was reluctant, but of course, agreed.

Kathy drives the Suzuki to the nearest FDX shipper & sends out a couple packages for Valentines Day and to the post office to send out a couple cards.

Dinner: Roasted Ratatouille Pasta & spinach salad.

DVR documentary. The making of the movie: “North by Northwest” hosted by Eva Marie Saint. Then we watch the 2nd half of “The Pacific Highway.”

High temp=68 Lights out: 11:29

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