Thursday 17 January 2008

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Awake: 6:09am Temp 27 sleep 5+31 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

When raising the front windshield shade this morning, which I usually close for overnight privacy, I notice a number of guys in the campground fooling around with their water connections; pulling the stiff hoses out into the sunshine to thaw out, etc. Hmmm, I wonder if my water hose or portable filters have frozen. First I’ll make a hot breakfast & give the outside temp a chance to warm up a little.

Well, what a surprise on me: not only was the water hose frozen, but also the source faucet & one of two of my portable water filter canisters had blow apart with the force of frozen water. So many times I had stored those filters in the basement overnight for safe keeping during forecasted freeze temps; this time however, I was lazy & gambled. Ouch!

Kathy calls from PA @ 8:49am Pacific time; her voice still crackles with uncontrollable coughs. She tells me she was so exhausted yesterday; she couldn’t get out of bed. When she did go downstairs, she laid around for hrs, then went upstairs & back in bed. She figures those previous busy days of activity with little sleep, finally caught up with her.

Today Kevin went shopping @ Wal-Mart & loaded up with special food & items to satisfy Matthew’s strict diet. Kathy & I talk for (23) min.

It’s cool outside with a north wind so I drive the Suzuki for shopping @ Wal-Mart & Smith’s.
Corinne calls from Lilly, Pa @ 11:43am for an update on the Foote family. Her timing was good.
Mid afternoon, I clean the broken filter canister & then, epoxy it back together; laying it on the heated tile floor overnight for curing.

Dinner tonight was one of my favorites & Rosemary was the cook: homemade meatloaf, baked potatoes, butter, sour cream & corn; wine before & during our meal. How am I ever going to catch up with the favors these people do for us. Thanks again Rosemary & Gary.

Evening DVR movie: “In Name Only” with Carole Lombard, Cary Grant, Kay Francis, Charles Coburn, Helen Vinson, etc. Solid soaper with wealthy, married Grant falling for widowed Lombard, trying desperately to obtain a divorce from bitchy, manipulative social climber Francis; beautifully acted. 1939. Great story & touching too.

High temp=47 Lights out: 11:53pm

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