Thursday 10 January 2008

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Awake: 6:36am Temp 37 sleep 6+49 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

Melissa calls @ 7:00am from PA. She asked for the nurse who just happens to be awake with a crackling voice. They discuss Matthew’s doctor visit tomorrow & other things.

A little later, Gary calls to find out how Kathy is today; I had to report that she had a relapse on her condition. Kathy is suspicious that maybe she is allergic to something in the air here in Pahrump; meanwhile, we are staying indoors today.

Mid morning, I watch the history channel covering the 50’s, & 60’s era on transistors, radar ranges, muscle cars, the Concord SST, etc. It was like watching the most exciting ½ yrs of my life; in collage, I experienced the transistor replacing the vacuum tube; seeing the radar range develop & bake a cake without heating elements @ a college seminar; muscle cars were everywhere in our small towns & the SST was big news from abroad, etc, etc; my kind of history.

Mid afternoon, Kathy & I spend some time with the mail call on organizing our new medical accounts.

Dinner: Italian sausage with whole wheat noodles, & tomato sauce.

DVR movie: “My Life as a Dog” with Anton Glanzelius, Tomas von Bromssen, Anki Liden, etc. Warm-hearted look @ the tumultuous life of an irrepressible mischievous (12) yr-old boy who is shipped off to live with relatives in a rural village in 1950’s Sweden. Both comedic & poignant, this is ultimately an honest depiction of the often confusing nature of childhood. 1985-Swedish with sub-titles. It was a very different story. I enjoy it immensely & Kathy had a much needed rest.

High temp=56 Lights out: 11:46pm

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