Saturday 19 January 2008

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Awake: 5:50am Temp 31 sleep 6+30 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

Call & have a short chat with Rosemary & Gary this morning. They have plans with the local church fund raiser program this afternoon so I will see them early evening.

Today, until around 4:00pm, I dedicate a lot of my time going thru a combination of manuals on windows, doors, floors, elevators, etc for our house plans; every now & then, I take a break & work a few crossword puzzles.

I attend 5:00 pm Mass @ the Our Lady of the Valley Church. Afterward, I wish G & R a bon voyage as they are leaving tomorrow morning.

My dinner: Albacore tuna steak from Singapore, cousin Florentz’s corn off the cob & a mixed salad.

Kathy calls @ 7:35pm Pacific time; again, she is exhausted. “I’m ready to go back into retirement” she tells me & “I’m ready to have you come back into retirement” I tell her. “All the Christmas things are now boxed & stored away” she reports. Also, Kevin's sister Billie Anne & her husband Jason arrive mid morning from Washington, DC. They have been very helpful all day; Billie Anne spending time with the young boys so Kathy & Melissa can do other required jobs & Jason helping Kevin with installing more insulation on the 3rd floor. I don’t remember how long we talked but it wasn’t too long; she sounded pretty tired.

Evening DVR movie: “Tom, Dick & Harry” with Ginger Rogers, George Murphy, Alan Marshal, Burgess Meredith, Joe Cunningham, Jane Seymour, Phil Silvers. Spirited comic dilemma as wide-eyed Ginger chooses among (3) anxious suitors: sincere Murphy, wealthy Marshal, & nonconformist Meredith. Silvers has hilarious role as obnoxious ice-cream man. 1941. The story was cute but maybe more for the teenybopper of the 40’s.

High temp=53 Lights out: 11:42pm

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