Monday 7 January 2008

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 43 sleep 6+47 mostly sunny overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

Mid morning, Rosemary & Gary ring our bell; yesterday during the slideshow, they couldn’t help but hear the barking seal I picked up along the road (Kathy); so today they hesitate to step in for a visit until they get a good health report on the barker….. & I don’t blame them. Well Kathy wasn’t sure if what she has picked up is contagious or not, so better for them to error on the side of caution. They said they would check again tomorrow.

About 2:00pm, the barker whispers in my ear that she would like to get some exercise by walking to Wal-Mart & Smith’s….about (1.5) miles west. We both have been lacking exercise lately so I was all in favor even though the temp was 48 degrees with a slight west wind. Yes, we talked the walk & then walked the walk.

I had difficulty hearing her whisper as we walked along the hwy. On the return trip, Kathy was not doing well @ all. She was already extremely tired & we still had a good mile to go. We made it alright but I was concerned. She insisted on making dinner so I suggested that perhaps to keep the dinner simple, we’ll have popcorn. I also suggested that if she does make popcorn, make some extra & I’ll take a few bags across the street to G & R; “Good idea” says she. Well, she made a good healthy dinner after all: Pork Chops marinated in milk for hrs, (4) kinds of rice, broccoli & a mixed salad.

Mid evening DVR movie: watch ½ of “Exodus.”

Today’s high= 48 Lights out: 11:59pm

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