Friday 4 January 2008

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Awake: 7:02am Temp 52 sleep 5+30 overcast, windy overnight @ Pahrump, NV.

I spent most of the morning & some of the afternoon going through our mail from PA, then checking on our credit card receipts for (2) months. Don’t get the wrong impression; about twice a week, I check our credit card spending using the computer & then make hard copy notes of what was purchased @ the end of a month.
Later, my suitcase is unpacked, Kathy’s too, & stored in the basement bay.

We record the O’Reilly Factor for later viewing.

Mid afternoon, wide awake Gary & Rosemary stop in for a visit. I compliment Gary for keeping a good eye on our coach & his precision thermostat setting for our early morning comfort.

Dinner: Cauliflower curry with sweet & sour chicken & turkey meatballs. The curry was the first package from Eriko’s parents that Kathy tried. It was quite good & Kathy was most appreciative of Eriko’s good English interpretation of the cooking instructions.

After watching the O’Reilly Factor & skipping commercials, we watch the movie for tonight: “The Happy Years” with Dean Stockwell, Scotty Beckett, Darryl Hickman, Leo G. Carroll, Etc. High spirited boy in turn-of-the-century prep school finds he has trouble fitting in. 1950. Different but worthy of a look see….how to make enemies & influence people the wrong way.
High temp=58 Lights out: 12:06am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 11, 2008 12:33 AM.

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