Sunday 16 December 2007

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Awake: 6:08am Temp 31 sleep 6+40 sunny overnight @ Pahrump, Nevada.

While Kathy watches her morning TV programs, I use our computer. Then early afternoon, she uses the computer while I spend some time getting to know our Princess Pioneer GPS system; by reading the manual & pressing the various buttons, I further familiarize myself with the many different aspects of this high tech gadget. I’m a little embarrassed that it has taken me so long to get to know her better; she’s a complicated woman with a Japanese voice.

Also on my list, the KVH manual which explains the satellite tracking system; I thought we could only access (1) satellite but found out there are (3) individual satellites that we can lock onto.

Dinner: sliced turkey tenders, mashed potatoes & gravy, asparagus, spinach salad & whole grain toast.

We just finished having dinner when Rosemary & Gary rang our doorbell; I don’t perform for just anyone, but made an exception & let R & G be witness to my eloquent method of cleaning up the dinner dishes. Tomorrow they are visiting Las Vegas again to do a little more Christmas shopping & spend the night in a Casino hotel room.

Late DVR movie: “The Bishop’s Wife” with Cary Grant, Loretta Young, David Niven, Monty Woolley, James Gleason, etc. Christmas fantasy of suave angel (Grant) coming to earth to help Bishop Niven & wife Young raise money for new church. 1947. A great Christmas story for all ages.

High temp=55 Lights out: 12:11am

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