Tuesday 20 November 2007

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Awake: 4:13am Temp 42 sleep 4+41 sunny overnight @ Santa Rosa, CA.

Call & make reservations @ Las Vegas, Nevada for December 10th.

My Sister Mary Jo calls: we talk about Thanksgiving dinner plans @ their place in Lodi.

Late morning, we get brave & set out to restock our food cupboards by visiting Costco, Trader Jo’s, & Safeway stores; traffic was unbelievable. These people have to be starting their Christmas shopping early; it took us thrice as long to shop than normally. We return to our bus @ 2:35.

For over a month now, we have been complaining to each other about our hair; it’s too long & unmanageable. Kathy hinted about a hair cut while we were visiting & working for Katrina in Denver but, every time the subject came up, something more important would take its place. It was either the weather (too windy, too cold or raining) that would discourage our plan or something more important canceled the idea. We quit cutting hair inside our motor home; too messy.

Today’s plan is firm: get hair cut. I spent (35) min cutting Kathy’s hair; she spent (15) min cutting mine….outside in the sunshine. Now we are both happy campers again.

Dinner: Stuffed peppers, small grapes, sugar snap peas, toasted whole wheat garlic Jack bread.

Evening movie: “Cary Grant---A Class Apart.” A thorough biography of the movie actor, Cary Grant; from childbirth thru his early theater days, Hollywood, family life, retirement & death. Quite interesting; when we find a movie that stars Cary Grant, it’s usually worth our time in watching.

Katrina calls from Denver; she forgot to check on the anti-freeze plan for her car. Now her car is parked in her garage & she would like to find out what to look for when checking on this potential loss of anti-freeze. With Katrina using her flashlight, I begin to steer her under the hood & toward the radiator & anti-freeze reservoir for a direct check on fluid level. She interrupts our call & takes another call; it’s her roomy Stephanie who is on her way back to the condo & knows all about that stuff; hey, alright so I am off the hook for now. She thanks me; I wish her luck & a “Happy Thanksgiving” + a safe trip tomorrow. She will be flying to Seattle to have Thanksgiving with her (2) brothers, sister-in-law & young nephew.

Kathy’s left leg is bothering her tonight & her heating pad quit working. I know she depends on that heating pad frequently so I volunteer to take the switch apart & see what’s happening. Turns out, one of (3) wired connections has broken. To do the job right, I’ll need my soldering gun, flux & needle nose pliers. (25) min later, the connection is repaired, switch cover replaced & presto: heating pad is back in business. It’s nice to have a few tools to be able to fix these fixable items.

High temp=67 Lights out: 12:02am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on November 23, 2007 9:39 PM.

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