Monday 29 October 2007

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Awake: 5:29am Temp 47 sleep 6+50 cloudy overnight @ Portland, Oregon.

Early morning, I try to catch up with our latest batch of mail that wasn’t scrutinized during our time in Issaquah. Then make a thorough check on our credit card receipts.

After e-mailing my buddy Ray in Ocean Park, he calls & we have a nice chat for nearly an hr; we cover many subjects.

By mid afternoon, we decide to go no place & just take the day off; doing things inside our home.

Dinner: Tilapia fish, brown rice, squash from cousin Flossy in PA & a mixed salad.

Evening time: look @ family photos on our family web site.

Late evening: watch ½ of DVR movie: “Dr. Zhivago.”

Lights out: 12:20am

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