Friday 19 October 2007

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Awake: 5:45am Temp 41 sleep 6+15 rain overnight @ Spokane, WA.

A lull in the rain gave me time to climb the ladder & clean off (2) slide tops & sides before retracting them. During breakfast, another heavy rain wave moved into the area.

We leave the Spokane Costco parking lot @ 10:35am. Rain with cross & headwinds continue on I-90; this is day three of my arm muscle workout. In the valley of Ellensburg, the wind subsided somewhat & a parade of fall colors greeted us until climbing through the Snoqualmie Pass where the wind with rain & snow flurries kept our wipers busy, not to mention Kathy’s steering, braking & leaning movements.

Arrive @ the Issaquah Village RV Park @ 3:10pm.

Today’s travel: 269 miles 4+47 time 5.6 mpg 48 gal used 56.1 avg speed.

Nick & I talk several times during the afternoon & evening. Heavy rain, wind, & fog plus giving ourselves a little time off was our main reason for not driving into Seattle today to begin the reunion with our kids. Besides, Eriko & little Jerry won’t be home from daycare until after 7:00pm anyway; we make plans for tomorrow.

7:00pm dinner: Delicious pork chops, marinated in milk & seasonings for hrs, fried pasta with bread cubes, & a mixed salad.

Finish our DVD movie: “Since You Went Away” with Claudette Colbert, Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotton, Shirley Temple, Monty Woolley, Lionel Barrymore, etc. Tear-jerker supreme with Colbert @ her best; story of family suffering through WWII with many tragedies & complications. 1944. (4) hrs in length, a little slow @ times but it’s well worth seeing the warmth & tenderness of this family.

High travel temp=59 Lights out: 11:30pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 24, 2007 8:15 PM.

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