Wednesday 5 September 2007

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Awake: 6:53am Temp 61 sleep 6+27 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

K & I attend the 8:30am Koffee Klub meeting. Roger & I conceal our exciting adventure of last night because we want John to be with us when telling the story. As we are leaving the meeting, I had to let Roger know that our touring time together is up; we need to get our home projects attended to & make plans for travel on Thursday. It was fun visiting some of those ole classmates of yesteryear & finding out what they are doing in their retirement today. Also, it was jolly good to see that most of them were still mighty active.

Back @ our motorhome, I get out the (50) ft air hose, start the CAT engine for air pressure & add pressure where necessary on (16) wheels before the sun warms the tires; of course that included our Suzuki & Lexus. Front tires on our motorhome 130 psi Drive tires 110 psi Tag axle tires 105 psi.

Next I take the Lexus to Spangler, run it through the auto touchless wash unit, top off the fuel tank & drive it to our storage facility for the winter.

Back @ the motorhome, I call & have the insurance reduced to comprehensive only.

Around 2:00pm, Melissa with her (3) boys arrive; K & I have a project lined up for Matthew & Andrew & they are excited: paint the (2) wooden covers pertaining to the septic system. “You had to be there” to fully appreciate the professional artists @ work; lots of paint was used! Matthew worked diligently for a little while, like he’d painted before. Little Andrew often sat down sometimes on an unpainted area and sometimes where he had just “splattered,” hitting the full paintbrush against the wooden cover. Then they discovered that walking in the grass and dirt and back on the newly painted boards gave a more interesting palate, sort of a 3 dimensional design. And then, how could they resist adding a special touch of green paint to their brown shoes? Melissa had remembered to have them wear paint clothes, but not shoes.

During the boys painting program, to stay out of target range & still be tuned in to their works of art, I travel the safe zone & pick up leftover tree stumps that we missed picking up the other week. Melissa also kept her distance, nursing Nathan, during these scary moments.

Then it’s clean-up time for the boys; much of their clothing had dry paint too difficult to rinse off but soaked it was. They quickly undressed and nakedly played in the cold running hose water; fortunately the sun was warm. Their hands, arms & legs: green. Their shoes were two-toned, brown & green; not a bad combination. They ate their cookies outside &, after cleaning up as well as they could, Kathy gave them each an outfit to wear so that they’d have more than their birthday suits to wear home.

It’s time to say our goodbyes for now to Melissa, Matthew, Andrew, & Nathaniel. It’ll be a few months before we see them again but we will keep in touch.

Dinner: BLT & leftover coleslaw with nuts.

K & I drive to Ebensburg & visit my brother, Don & his wife, Josie. Don wanted me to look @ their fancy fan in their sunroom. Apparently it was involved with the lighting strike they had earlier this summer that took out (2) of their phones, the fan, & a few other electronic devices. Don had the ladder setting in place so I climbed up & looked for visible damage…..none found. The circuit breaker was powering other items on the same circuit so no problem there. With the short time we have remaining in the area, I hesitate to get too involved with this fan (fastened from a 16 to 18 ft ceiling) leaving it in pieces & then, we leave town. Don agrees: that would not be good. So he’ll either wait for our return in the springtime or find another brave soul. We talk over a glass of good wine & have a little dessert & then say our goodbyes for now. We stop at the local Wal-Mart & do some light grocery shopping before returning to the bus.

K & I watch the Republican convention on TV in lieu of a movie.

High temp=78 Lights out: 12:40am

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