Wednesday 26 September 2007

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Awake: 6:00am Sleep 6+38 overnight in Bay # 12

Most of the day, Randy alone laid granite tile in our kitchen area. We visited from time to time but mostly socialized with other customers & talked with the techs when they were not buried in a project fix. A handful of the mechanical & electrical techs worked overtime as well as the cabinet makers, including Randy; so we try another nearby restaurant to help let Randy have more free access in the kitchen.

Dinner in the town of Commerce @ Lil Café; a (5) min drive; we share a catfish dinner.

Late movie: “The Freshman” with Fred Newmeyer, Harold Lloyd, Jobyna Ralston, Brooks Benedict, etc. One of Lloyd’s best remembered films casts him as collegiate patsy who’ll do anything to be popular on campus, unaware that everyone is making fun of him.1925. The best silent film with subtitles we’ve ever watched; why even the music was delightful.

Lights out: 11:15pm

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