Sunday 9 September 2007

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Awake: 5:30am Temp 73 sleep 6+36 mostly cloudy overnight @ Newell Campground; Miami, Oklahoma.

I had already e-mailed ‘Creslie, the coordinator’ our glitch list for this visit @ Newell, but en route, a few more glitches appeared that need to be addressed. Being parked here @ the service area, my creativity abounds & the updated glitch list is finalized & sent off.

I must admit, I am behind with my journal writing so I spend the remaining afternoon trying to play catch-up.

Dinner: Ham with pasta bow ties, veggies with Boursin cheese sauce.

Evening movie: “Love & Death” with Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Harold Gould, Alfred Lutter, Olga Georges Picot, etc. 1975. This movie won applause for its spoofs of Russian literature & foreign films & it was decorated with funny moments; but it didn’t do well in holding our undivided attention. Unless you’re a true Woody Allen fan, I wouldn’t waste your time.

High temp=83 Lights out: 11:01pm

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