Saturday 22 September 2007

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Awake: 6:36am Temp 70 sleep 5+49 sunny overnight @ Newell Campground.

Through our front window, I watch Darrel & Jackie try to hook up their Jeep tow car to their new Newell & they seem to be struggling; not to be nosy but while watching, I sense a problem. Sparing the details, I encourage Darrel to use a real hammer in lieu of his rubber one; it worked & they were able to get on their way within 20 min.

John, one of the techs, unlocks a service door so I can borrow a vacuum cleaner & clean up some of the mess & dust that has mysteriously invaded us.

Katrina calls during her driving to Wal-Mart in Denver; she reports that her eyes are good & she’s happy to have had the laser surgery.

Kathy does (4) loads of laundry.

We attend 5:00pm vigil Mass @ Sacred Heart Church. Father Gregg’s mass was (55) min this time.

Talk with my cousin Flossy in PA; his gardening is just about over for the season. The last of the peppers; (1/2) bushel was picked today he says.

Merely a coincidence: Dinner: Stuffed peppers with multi-grain bread.

Kathy calls her friend Jodi in Memphis, TN. She has decided to take care of her health this year, getting all the tests and check-ups she has neglected for years; so far, so good. She & PD are trying to sell their house and are looking to buy one in another nearby area.

Evening movie: “The Great Dictator” with Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Jack Oakie, Reginald Gardiner, etc. Chaplin’s 1st full talkie; unusual comedy combines slapstick, satire & social commentary as he plays a dual role of Jewish ghetto barber & dictator Adenoid Hynkel of Tomania. 1940. A brave movie to produce during WWII time & quite entertaining.
High temp=88 Lights out: 12:12am

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