Thursday 9 August 2007

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Awake: 5:42am Temp 68 sleep 6+01 mostly cloudy with some intermittent heavy rain showers overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

K & I join the Koffee Klub meeting & then exercise for 50 min. Later I convince Kathy to skip breakfast & join me in having lunch @ our Rotary meeting. She does & now, no dinner is necessary & there are only a few dishes to clean.

Mid afternoon: I drive over to the church hall & make a check on the air conditioning installation progress; (5) huge a/c units are being installed.

Late afternoon, Greg visits; he & his team of workers will be here on Monday the 13th to cut some pine trees down & chip-up the remains.

Talk with Sam @ the Newell factory; we want to make sure all the items that we’ve talked about will be available for our arrival there next month. Sam will check on that & get in touch with us later.

Evening snack: egg salad on spinach with grapes & mini pita breads.

Call Sally & Larry G. in Wisconsin; leave a nice message.

My sister Mary Jo calls: they have returned from their Ohio visit & will see us tomorrow early afternoon; they will de-brief us @ that time.

Mid evening: we finish watching: “Brotherly Love” with Peter O’Toole, Susannah York, Michael Craig, etc. Very funny study of relationships in upper-class British household; 1970. That British accent @ times frustrated us. If you’re a Peter O’Toole fan, you’ll love it!

Movie # 2: “Same time Next Year” with Ellen Burstyn & Alan Alda; Alda & Burstyn are an adulterous couple who share one weekend a yr for 26 yrs; warm, human comedy-drama reflects changes in American life & attitudes since early 50’s in likeable fashion.
1978. This was great; highly recommended for married couples.

High temp=77 Lights out 12:30am

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