Saturday 11 August 2007

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Awake: 5:54am Temp 59 sleep 5+42 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

@ 7:35am Kathy makes an early trip to the nearest grocery store, Bi-Lo; about (3) miles.
When she returns, we both walk to the community center & join our Koffee Klub members for over an hr.
After a late breakfast, using some wide red plastic caution tape, I take about 1.5 hrs to mark all the hazard areas to avoid & the trees I want saved on our property.

This afternoon & evening, my brother & his wife, Josie, are having a gathering @ their house with nieces & nephews & their families. En route we make a quick stop @ the West End Market for items to finalize a cream puff dessert for the party. The party attendees included the trio travelers; Don & Josie & their daughter, Adrianne, who flew up from Hilton Head, South Carolina for the weekend; niece, Carleen, & her husband, Bob, & their boys, Liam & Bain; nephew, Eric, & his wife, Emily, & their boys, Jake, Joe & Max; & Melissa, Kevin, Matthew, Andrew & little Nathaniel.

Adrianne, Josie, & Don selected & prepared the main course of beef and chicken kabobs, hotdogs, pasta salad, & corn on the cob. In addition, some of the guests brought other covered dishes & desserts; coleslaw, fruit salad, grape salad, cream puff cake, & cookie bars. Key lime pie & Oreo cookies rounded out the dessert table.

The young boys played with the BIG trucks, blocks & a few other toys while we adults told a few lies & exaggerated just about everything with a straight face. Anyway, it was a delightful outside event with super great people, excellent weather, & very delicious food.

K & I leave a little after 9:00 pm & make another grocery stop @ Wal-Mart en route back to our bus.
High temp=77 Lights out: 12:30am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 17, 2007 3:20 AM.

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