Tuesday 24 July 2007

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Awake 5:44am Temp 53 sleep 6+05 cloudy…..later rain overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

We drive the Suzuki to attend 8:00 am Mass & then join the Koffee Klub for 1.7 hrs. Some talk of the local water wells in the area & an ever so slight mention of air conditioning of the church hall.

After breakfast, Kathy drives the Suzuki to the Foote home & continues her grandma studies; this time for (2) days & nights. She is a very brave woman.

Meanwhile the pretend bachelor here organizes his day plan & heads to the Wal-Mart in Indiana, PA for a new battery for the Lexus. With that project successful, I load up on a few groceries & think about a short visit with the Footes to see how Kathy is doing with her “on the job grandma training.”

On the radio, a local weatherman told of a fast moving front with rather strong winds & rain; it was then that I realized our awnings were still out because Nicktown was sunny when I left earlier. The window awnings do not have auto retraction for wind speed like the patio awnings do; so there went my short visiting plan. Driving onto Saint Paul Street, I meet our neighbor’s 2nd eldest daughter, Sandy, visiting from Amsterdam. We chat for about (5) min & then I proceed to unload the groceries, stow the battery charger no longer needed for now, etc. During that stowing procedure, the wind started to kick up & that’s when I went back inside & retracted those window awnings; after some good winds, the rain followed.

Our strip of land in Colorado has been mowed by John M. I was impressed with his equipment , attention to detail & his price so he got the job. His check should arrive sometime later this week.

A strange thing happened to me in the early evening; I was watching the national news in a very comfortable position & along comes a commercial, so I muted that & then the phone rang. It was Kathy; the news was over & the clock hands had moved forward quite a bit. I had fallen asleep…..a rare moment for me. She reports having a good day with the grandchildren & learning more of the routine @ the Foote house.

Dinner: Leftover chicken & broccoli casserole + leftover pork.

Late night reading in bed.

High temp=70 Lights out: 12:24am

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