Saturday 30 June 2007

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 54 sleep 6+45 sunny overnight @ Watertown, WI.

A casual morning for us; checking e-mail & reviewing our travel plans & commitments for the remainder of the yr, etc; it’s kind of exciting to look ahead & also, do some looking back & reminiscing about the many adventures we have already experienced.

About 10:30am, Sallie invites us into the house to sample some Chicago bagels that Claudia & Doug bought on their way through the city. Hmm, not too bad; as we pass the prayer room, we see most of the guys praying. Later, we socialize a little with Debbie, Sallie and Larry’s youngest daughter, & her husband, Ethan, on the back porch. They live in California with their 2 ½ year old son, Zev.

Because of the Sabbath, Kathy waters the flowers all around the house. Seeing Sallie’s favorite outdoor rocking chair not rocking, it takes only minutes for me to replace the washer & screw that had fallen off. Sallie makes the comment that her oven and oven light are on but that she’s not using either. Kathy takes the hint and turns both off to Sallie’s verbalized “thank you.”

We are invited back for lunch with more socializing.

K & I leave @ 4:10pm to attend the 4:30 vigil Mass @ Saint Henry’s church; it was quite crowded. We drive straight back to the house & get ready for wine time on the back porch & then, dinner by Sallie, Cindy & Claudia; leftover food of varying kinds from Friday’s supper and Saturday’s lunch.

High temp=77 Lights out: 11:30pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 9, 2007 6:07 PM.

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