Saturday 21 July 2007

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Awake: 5:50am Temp 49 sleep 6+00 sunny overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

We drive to 8:00 am Mass, then attend the Koffee Klub meeting for only (30) min & then visit the Foote house @ 9:30am to begin a sort of work camp program with Kevin & Melissa.

Kathy spends (2.5) hrs with Matthew, creating creatures using play dough @ the dining room table. This allows Melissa & Andrew to catch up on their sleep & also allows Kevin & me to trace some wiring not being used in the kitchen so we can substitute that space in the breaker box & run a (30 amp) (4) wire (250) volt line from the circuit breaker box over to the LG clothes drier in the basement. Kevin bought a (30) amp breaker for this purpose & we did manage to free up (2) single breakers & then add the double breaker. After wiring up the (30) amp plug & (3) ft pigtail to the clothes drier connections, plus running the exhaust hose thru the basement wall to the outside area, we tested the unit & it passed with smiles on our faces.

During my plug wiring time, Kevin was grilling up chicken & hot dogs for dinner; we joined them & thanked them for the meal, said our goodbyes for now, did some light shopping @ Wal-Mart & returned to our bus.

We both shower before attending the 6:00pm vigil Mass in Nicktown.

Dinner: Kosher hot dogs with whole wheat buns & fresh cherries & peaches.

Late movie: “The First Time” with Tim Choate, Krista Errickson, Marshall Efron, Wendy Fulton, etc. Surprisingly intelligent, funny portrait of virginal movie-loving college freshman Choate; a cut above other films of its type. 1983. A somewhat confusing adaptation of another similar movie with the same title that describes the story line all together differently. Don’t waste your time on this…..unless you’re desperate.

High temp=73 Lights out: 12:11am

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